About me
I am a postdoctoral fellow at Tel Aviv University. I received my PhD in August 2022 at Seoul National University, supervised by Prof. Cheol-Hyun Cho. Here is my CV.
My research interests are in symplectic geometry and geometric quantization. I wrote a few words about what I want to accomplish in “Is quantization geometry?”
I am on the job market. I made this website to accurately and efficiently share information about my publications.
H. Kim, On a noncontractible family of representations of the canonical commutation relations, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 169, 104343 (2021)
H.Kim, Simultaneous linear symplectic reduction and orbit fibrations, (2024) Submitted
H.Kim, Schubert cells of mixed type in complex Lagrangian Grassmannians, (2023) Submitted
You can email me at hmoonkim [at] gmail.com